Our ‘Must See Beaches’
Coral Beach Dunvegan
A forty minute easy walk from the car park.
An unusual vegetative coral that shines brilliant white, accented by the black rocks that are scattered through it.
Neist Point and Moonen Bay
Fifteen minutes from Number Ten, Niest Points approach becomes quite Jurassic, and other worldly!
A good leg stretch down to the lighthouse were the views are 180 degrees.
This is the most likely site to watch Basking Sharks, Whales and Dolphins. Apart from Eagles, Sea Eagles, Gannets, Commorants, Shags etc.
Talisker Beach
Another easy walk of about forty minutes, on a windy day well worth a visit to see the waterfalls flying skyward.
Black sand with fine shell like patterns are created. Best visited at low tide.
Fairy Pools
Although not a beach, the fairy pools situated at the foot of the Cuillin offer a wonderful experience of mountain pools.
All within the same areas as Talisker.